Services offered:
a) Rural Heath Training Centre, Titabar
- OPD attendance- 113799
- IPD attendance- 830
- Major OT- 236
- Minor OT-68
- IUCD Insertion- 27
- OCP Distribution- 320
- Condom & other contraceptives distribution-322
- Immunization of children-4018
b) Urban Heath Training Centre, Jorhat
- OPD attendance-14439
- Total number of Children Vaccinated- 1530
- Family planning methods distribution (Condom, OCP and others)-12639
- Total new pregnant women register for ANC- 943
c) IDSP unit JMCH (From 1st September 2022 to 31st August 2024)
P Form Report under IDSP Unit JMCH
- AES = 498
- ADD = 89
- Dog bite= 2374
- AFP= 0
- Acute Hepatitis = 2
- ARI= 153
- Malaria (Syndromic ) = 919
- Dengue (Syndromic) = 3205
- Typhoid = 332
- Diptharia= 1
- Leptospirosis= 2
- Human Rabies=2
- Only fever >=7 days =556
- Only Fever <= 7 days=283
L Form Reporting Under IDSP Unit JMCH
- Total no of sample Tested JE IgM Elisa (CSF/Serum) = 825 Positive= 161
- Dengue IgM Elisa Tested = 437 Positive= 91
- Dengue Ns1 Elisa Tested = 2734 Positive = 487
- Diptheria Tested (Culture) = 0 Positive = 0
- Chikenpox = 0 Positive = 0
- Malaria = 938 Positive =6
- Hapatitise A = 1 Positive = 0
- Cholera = 5 Positive =0
- Leptospirosis = 145 Positive =24
- Scrub Typhus IgM Elisa = 47 Positive =6
- Shigellosis = 1 Positive =1