Completed research projects -undergraduate electives

  1. Inventory Management of central drug store of Jorhat Medical College and Hospital-Dr. Kaberi Mech, Dr. Rana Kakati
  2. Assessment of functioning and services provided by AWCs in the vicinity of JMCH. Preceptor-Dr. Netri Das, Dr. Dimpymoni Saikia
  3. Management of Snakebite. Preceptors-Dr. Anuja Baruah, Dr. Basanta Biraj Das
  4. Framing, Validation and Copyright of Proforma. Preceptors-Dr. Chanadana Deka, Dr. Suddipta Kumar Bora
  5. Effectiveness of Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre in improving the nutritional status of SAM children admitted at NRC in Jorhat Medical College. Preceptors- Dr. Annamika Hakmaosa, Dr. Dhruba Jyoti Bora
  6. Perceptions of doctors working in Jorhat Medical College hospital regarding music therapy interventions. Preceptor-Dr. Madhur Borah
  7. Pattern of acute poisoning cases attending emergency department of Jorhat Medical College and Hospital-Dr. Kaberi Mech, Dr. Rana Kakati
  8. Assessment of the underlying causes of death among the patients admitted in Jorhat Medical College and Hospital, Jorhat, Assam- Dr. Netri Das, Dr. Dimpymoni Saikia
  9. Awareness of snakebite prevention and management in the community- Anuja Baruah, Dr. Basanta Biraj Das
  10. Knowledge and awareness regarding fire safety among health care professionals and staff in Jorhat Medical College & Hospital, Jorhat. Preceptors-Dr. Chanadana Deka, Dr. Suddipta Kumar Bora



Ongoing research projects

Faculty name


Title of project

Prof (Dr).Bishnu Ram Das- Principal Investigator

Prof (Dr). P. Biswanth Co PI





A Study on Acute Encephalitis Syndrome in Hospitalised Paediatric and Adult patient with special Reference to JE

Implementation of NCDIR Electronic Mortality Software (NCDIR e-mor) in hospitals of National Cancer Registry Programme (CRP) Network in NE India

Dr.Gitali Kakoti


Morbidity profile, Extent of Disability and Socio-economic Impacts of Childhood Japanese Encephalitis and Acute Encephalitis Syndrome

Ongoing PG Dissertations



Title of project

Dr. Manas Kalita


Clinico-epidemiological profile of cancer patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital in Jorhat, Assam: A cross-sectional study. 

Guide-Prof (Dr.) Bishnu Ram Das

Co-Guide-Dr. Annamika Hakmaosa

Dr. Suchitra Barman 


Clinico-epidemiological profile of adult pulmonary tuberculosis patients reporting to Jorhat Medical College and Hospital and their cost of illness.

Guide- Prof (Dr.) Bishnu Ram Das

Co-Guide-Dr. Madhur Borah

Dr. Shivangi Priyadarshini


Implementation Status of Family Adoption Program (FAP) in a Government Medical College of Assam-A Mixed Method Study

Guide-Dr. Netri Das

Co-Guide- Prof (Dr.) Bishnu Ram Das 

Dr. Ipshikha Gogoi


Assessment of current status of solid waste management in Jorhat town:a mixed method study.

Guide- Dr. Anuja Baruah

Co-Guide-Prof (Dr.) Bishnu Ram Das

Dr. Mohammed Abu Khan


Awareness and utilization of Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana in Rural Area of Jorhat District Assam: A cross sectional study

Guide- Dr. Kaberi Mech

Co-Guide-Prof (Dr.) Bishnu Ram Das