Name of faculty

Details of publication

Dr A K Sen

A.Original Article –

i)                  Sen AK , Doley RM, Dutta PK , Das D,Gogoi RR : Urinary Tract infection in elderly –A clinical  and Microbiological study . Assam Journal of Internal Medicine ,ISSN 2278-8239. July 2014 ,VOL. 4 ISSUE -2  ,18-21

ii)                 Baruah S M , Sen A K , Das T K , Handique M.ect ; Clinical profile of snake bite in upper Assam ; Assam Journal of Internal Medicine  2016 ; Vol 6: 13-17.

iii)               Sen A K , Goswami P, Neog P, Dutta A , Chetia K: An Etiological study of upper Gastro  - Intestinal  bleeding with Special reference to Helicobacter Pylori Injection in Peptic ulcer diseases ; Journal of Medical Science and clinical Research  ; 2016 ; Vol 4 : 11696 -99

iv)                 Sen AK, Doley RM, Jerang, Ogin,Timung D.S :  Clinical profile of patients with alcoholic liver disease in upper Assam of North East India, J. Evid. Based Med. Healthcare 2017; Vol.4, 2427-31.

B.Review Article –

i)                  Sen AK, Doley RM,Kakati S: Emergence and challenged of  Influenza  (H1N1) infection .Assam Journal of Internal Medicine . July,2015 ;VOL- 5 Issue -2 :24-28

ii)                 Sen A K  , Doley R M ,Timung D S:  Stem Cell and regenerative Medicine ; Assam Journal of Internal Medicine 2016 ; vol.6 : 18 -23


C.Case Report –

i.                  Doley RM, Sen AK, Patil VV : Acute Myeloid Leukemia : A rare cause of Prolonged pyrexia of  unknown origin in elderly .Assam Journal of Internal Medicine.  January,2015 ;5(1) :35-37.

Dr K Chetia

i)                 Dr R K Borah, Dr K Chetia: Glucose -6-phosphate dehydrogenase activities in diabetes a study at tertiary care teaching hospital in the north east India – Int J. Adv.Res. 8(05), 1259-1262

ii)               Dr R K Borah, Dr K Chetia: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding in a tertiary care center in north-east  India : A retrospective study - Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(06), 559-563,June, 2020.

iii)             Dr R K Borah, Dr K Chetia: Reactive Arthritis in Tuberculosis – Assam journal of Internal Medicine July 2020

iv)              Umbon J, Kalpana C, Niranjan G- a study of clinical profile and prognostic indicators of alcoholic liver disease in a tertiary care centra of North East India.J. Evid. Based Med. Health. 2016;3(77), 4175-4180 .DOI:10:18410/jebmh/2016/891

v)               Chetia Kalpana and Gogoi Rumanchita (2020); Music and Health – a review article on therapeutic application of music Int. J. of Adv. Res. 8 (Jun). 622-625] (ISSN 2320-5407).

Dr U R Pegu

i)                 Pegu U R  ,  Singha A , Borah D J ,  Nath U K  ,  Sonowal  N -  A case report on sheehan’s syndrome with iron deficiency Anaemia- a Haematological perspective of panhypopituitarism - J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc., pISSN- 2349-2562, eISSN- 2349-2570/ Vol. 4/Issue 19/April 06, 2017 Page 1

ii)               Dr U K Nath, Dr  U R Pegu :Microvascular Complications of Lean Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with special reference to Lipid Profile & Glycemic status – A Hospital based study, International Journal of advanced Research ( IJAR ) August, 2019.DOI-10.2147/IJAR01/9472.

iii)              Dr U R Pegu, Dr U K Nath , Dr D Das: Clinical Study Of Early Insulin Therapy Compared To Oral Hypoglycemic Agents In Newly Detected Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus- A Hospital Based Study; Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(04), 1050-1055; April 2020(corresponding author). Research Article.

iv)              Case report – U K Nath , U R Pegu, R K Borah, D Saikia, K Lahan, R H Ahmed – Sudden loss of vision – a rare presentation  of father’s disease. Assam Journal of Internal Medicine. Pg-45 .

v)               Article name – Dr U R Pegu, Dr Alakesh Choudhuri, Dr U K Nath- Thyroid Hormone abnormality in patients with acute stroke. A hospital based control study. IJAR. Acceptance 20th June,2021.

vi)              Clinical Research Experience – Pegu  U R , Bora R K – Study at peripheral neuropathy with special reference to nerve condition test in SLE. One page CV. 

vii)            Dr U R Pegu, Dr Alakesh Choudhuri, Dr U K Nath- Thyroid Hormone abnormality in patients with acute stroke. A hospital based control study.Int.j.Adv.Res. 9(06),381-391,June 2021:

Dr N Sonowal

i)                 Vanamali Dharma Rao, Naruttam Sonowal & K Kalyan Kumar 3: Clinical Profile of Urinary tract infection in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus -International journal of Medicine & pharmacy (IJGMP) International Journal of General Medicine and Pharmacy (IJGMP) ISSN (P): 2319-3999; ISSN (E): 2319-4006 ,Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep 2014, 7-12 © IASET

ii)              Naruttam Sonowal, Vanamali Dharma Rao2: Clinical Profile of Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy in a Tertiary Care Center in North East India -Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental science 2014; Vol. 3, Issue 30, July 28; Page: 8378-8386, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2014/3056

iii)              D Rao Vanamali, N Sonowal, V S Ramesh: Panaromic radiograph: A cost effective tool for early detection of calcified Carotid artery atheromas in type 2 diabetic patients -Assam Journal of Internal Medicine July, 2014 vol 4 issue 2 .

Dr J. Umbon

i)                Umbon J, Hazarika S, Gogoi M. A study on risk factors and lipid profile pattern in patients of stroke. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2016; 3(59), 3194-3198. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2016/692

ii)                Umbon J, Kalpana C, Niranjan G- a study of clinical profile and prognostic indicators of alcoholic liver disease in a tertiary care centra of North East India .J. Evid .Based  Med. Health .2016;3(77) ,4175 -4180 .DOI:10:18410/jebmh/2016/891

Dr Rajib Kumar Borah

       I.          Debabani Bora, Rajib Kr. Borah : BMI and WHR as Predictors for Insulin Resistance in North-Eastern Type 2 Diabetics: A Study. Journal of Evidence based Medicine and Healthcare; Volume 2, Issue 26, June 29, 2015; Page: 3929-3932.

     II.          Debabani Bora, Rajib Kr. Borah, Santona Thakuria, Rajat Dutta Roy :A Morphological Study of Human Thyroid Gland in the Population of North-Eastern Region of India. Journal of Evidence based Medicine and Healthcare; Volume 2, Issue 25, June 2015; Page: 3742-46.

   III.          Dr R K Borah, Dr K Chetia : glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activities in diabetics a study at a tertiary care teaching hospital in the north east india. - Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(05), 1259-1262, May, 2020.

  IV.          Dr R K Borah, Dr K Chetia : upper gastro-intestinal bleeding in a tertiary care center in north-east india: a retrospective study - Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(06), 559-563,June, 2020.

    V.            Dr R K Borah, Dr K Chetia : Reactive Arthritis in Tuberculosis – Assam journal of Internal Medicine July 2020.

  VI.          Liver function abnormality in Enteric Fever  ( Original work ) January ,2014 : Assam Jouranl of Internal Medicine :Vol-4,Issue 1, 17-18 , Index Copernicus, 2nd Author

Dr U K Nath

i)                U K Nath:Catamenial  Hemoptysis -  Assam Journal of Internal Medicine(Index journal), Oct , 2011.vol-1,Issue report

ii)              B C Kalita, U K Nath:Hairy Plexyform Neurofibromatosis and Spinal Deformity Presenting as Recurrent RTI - Assam Journal of Internal Medicine(Index Journal),July 2013,Vol 3; Issue :2 . case report

iii)             Deka G C, Nath U K ; Liver function abnormality in Enteric Fever :Assam Jouranl of Internal Medicine January ,2014 :Vol-4,Issue 1, 17-18 .( a peer reviewed journal –Indexed in Copernicus  international )

iv)              Pegu U R  ,  Singha A , Borah D J ,  Nath U K  ,  Sonowal  N -  A case report on sheehan’s syndrome with iron deficiency Anaemia- a Haematological perspective of panhypopituitarism - J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc., pISSN- 2349-2562, eISSN- 2349-2570/ Vol. 4/Issue 19/April 06, 2017 Page 1

v)               Dr U K Nath, Dr  U R Pegu :Microvascular Complications of Lean Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with special reference to Lipid Profile & Glycemic status – A Hospital based study, International Journal of advanced Research ( IJAR ),53-60, August ,2019. DOI-10.2147/IJAR01/9472.

vi)              Dr U K Nath – Universal work precautions and post exposure management of HIV/ AIDS : Medicine update 2019, API, Assam Chapter , Vol:XXII; Page -439 .

vii)            Dr U R Pegu, Dr U K Nath , Dr D Das: Clinical Study Of Early Insulin Therapy Compared To Oral Hypoglycemic Agents In Newly Detected Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus- A Hospital Based Study; Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(04), 1050-1055; April 2020

viii)           U K Nath , U R Pegu, R K Borah, D Saikia, K Lahan, R H Ahmed – Sudden loss of vision – a rare presentation  of Farh’s disease. Assam Journal of Internal Medicine; January,2021; vol.11; issue 1; Pg-45 .

ix)              Dr U R Pegu, Dr Alakesh Choudhuri, Dr U K Nath- Thyroid Hormone abnormality in patients with acute stroke. A hospital based control study.Int.j.Adv.Res. 9(06),381-391, June 2021:

Dr S Kar

i)                 Study of the clinical presentation of Aplastic Anaemia with special

reference to association with parvovirus B19 infection-A Tertiary care Hospital Based Study – Co-Author (4th) Pariper – Indian Jouranl of research; print ISSN no. 2250 -1991; p38- 39; vol. 8; issue 7; July 2019.

ii) Joint and functional asesment following secondary and tertiary prophylaxis in haemophilia – Co-author (3rd) Assam Jouranl of Internal Medicine; vol. 10;  Issue I;  p 27-31; Jan 2020.