Eye Donation fortnight was observed from 25th August to 8th September, 2024 in the Deptt. of Ophthalmology by spreading knowledge and information on Eye Donation and the ways by which it can contribute to the restoration of eyesight in many blind people.


Syamanta Boruah, Associate Professor & Head (i/c), participated actively in the Ophthalmological Society of Assam (OSA) Mid Term Conference 2024 in Jorhat on 23rd June, 2024 and was the Chairperson cum judge in a scientific session.


All other Faculties, Ophthalmologists and PGTs participated actively in the Ophthalmological Society of Assam (OSA) Mid Term Conference 2024 in Jorhat on 23rd June, 2024.


Ranjit Daimary, 2nd Year PGT presented a paper in the Ophthalmological Society of Assam (OSA) Mid Term Conference 2024 in Jorhat on 23rd June, 2024, and his Topic was “A study on Clinical and demographic profile of patients attending a tertiary care centre with corneal foreign body.”He also presented a Poster on “Chondroid Syringoma of Eyelid- A rare Case Report”.


Satabdi Jena, 2nd year PGT, presented a paper in the Ophthalmological Society of Assam (OSA) Mid Term Conference 2024 in Jorhat on 23rd June, 2024, and her Topic was “A descriptive study on prevalence of occupation related ocular traumas in patients attending a tertiary care centre.”She also presented a Poster on “A case report of an atypical left upper eyelid mass in a 15 years old presenting to JMCH”.


Mareelio K and Dr. Samadrita Paul Choudhury, Final year PGTs , Dept. of Ophthalmology participated in the Certificate Course in Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)/ comprehensive Cardiopulmonary life support (CCLS) on 1st and 2nd June, 2024, in Jorhat Medical College & Hospital, Jorhat.


Pinku Borah, Registrar, Dept. of Ophthalmology, JMCH, Jorhat attended the mega Health Camp at Central jail, Jorhat on behalf of the Dept. of Ophthalmology, JMCH, Jorhat, on 16th May, 2024.


World Glaucoma Week was observed from March 10 to March 16, 2024. Awareness was created among the OPD patients about Glaucoma and leaflets and Anti Glaucoma medicines were distributed . An awareness meeting was held in the OPD premises on March 15, 2024 to spread the knowledge & information about Glaucoma among the public. Dr. Syamanta Boruah, Associate Professor & Head (i/c) and Dr. Deepsikha Saikia, Assistant Professor spoke on the occasion.


3rd Batch of Post Graduate Trainees ( 2 in numbers) joined the Post Graduate Course (1st year) in the Dept. of Ophthalmology, JMCH, in October and December, 2023.  


Aman Gupta, PGT, Dept. of Ophthalmology, JMCH, Jorhat attended the Swasthya Sewa Utsav II as External Assessor, organized by office of the Sub Divisional Officer District Health Society, Sivasagar, from 20th November to 22nd November 2023.


Dr. Pinku Borah, Registrar, Dept. of Ophthalmology, JMCH, & Dr. Mareelio K, 2nd Year PGT, attended the Health Camp under Family Adoption Programme , organized by Dept. of SPM, JMCH, Jorhat, on 19th October, 2023.


The NATIONAL EYE DONATION FORTNIGHT was observed from August 25 to September 8, 2023, in the Deptt.of Ophthalmology. An awareness program was organised on September 2, 2023, in front of the Hospital Building, JMCH, Jorhat, attended by the Principal cum Chief Superintendent, JMCH, the DPM, NPCB, Jorhat and other dignitaries.


The Principal cum Chief Superintendent, Prof. (Dr.) Ratna Kanta Talukdar delivered the inaugural speech followed by Dr. Syamanta Boruah, Associate Professor & Head (i/c) of the Deptt, Dr. Deepsikha Saikia, Assistant Professor and Dr. Barnali Borah Kouli, DPM, NPCB, Jorhat.

Prof. Dr. Gautam Paul took retirement from Government Service on July 31, 2023, for health related reasons.

Prof. Dr. Gautam Paul attended the Mid Term Conference of the Ophthalmological Society of Assam at Kaziranga and was the Co- CHAIRPERSON in a Scientific Session in June, 2023.

Dr. Syamanta Boruah (Associate Professor) attended the Mid Term Conference of the Ophthalmological Society of Assam, at Kaziranga and was the MODERATOR of an excellent Video Scientific Session in June, 2023.

Dr. Syamanta Boruah (Assiciate Professor) and Dr. Deepsikha Saikia (Assistant Professor) visited Ridley College of Optometry, as Inspectors to consider the starting of a Vision Technician Course there in May, 2023.

Dr. Syamanta Boruah (Associate Professor) was invited as a faculty and CHAIRPERSON of the first Scientific Session of the CME on 'Stress Management in Medical Students' organised by Deptt. of Physiology, JMCH, Jorhat, on May 11, 2023

Dr. Syamanta Boruah (Associate Professor) was invited as a faculty and CHAIRPERSON for a Scientific Session of an Eye related topic in a CME on Rheumatology at JMCH, Jorhat, organised by Indian Rheumatology Association - Assam Chapter, in March, 2023

Prof. Dr. Gautam Paul and Dr. Syamanta Boruah (Associate Professor) visited Ridley College of Optometry, as Inspectors for continuation of their B. Optom course and starting of the M. Optom course in December, 2022.



A very pleasant start of the Post Graduate Course happened in the Dept. of Ophthalmology, JMCH, Jorhat with the joining of the first Post Graduate Trainee in the month of March, 2022 followed by another in the month of April, 2022.

They are now very sincerely and dedicatedly pursuing the MS course with a more vibrant academic environment in the department due to their presence.

BEST WISHES to both of them  !! 


The NMC (National Medical Commission), MARB (Medical Assessment & Rating Board) has expressed interest to grant permission to the Dept. of Ophthalmology, Jorhat Medical College & Hospital, to start the Post Graduate (MS) course for 2 MS seats per academic year from academic session 2021-2022, by a 'Letter of Intent' date - 28/10/2021

The final 'Letter of Permission' is expected very soon.

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Under the banner of JMCH REFLECTIONS, on September 1,  2021, with Prof. Dr. T. Gogoi, HoD, Department of Ophthalmology, JMCH, as the host and moderator, an online presentation was delivered by Dr. Syamanta Boruah, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Ophthalmology, JMCH on Eye Donation and Corneal Transplantation followed by guest speaker Dr. Anindya S Chakrabarty, Eye Sight Foundation, Delhi who presented the surgical aspects of Corneal Transplantation.
It greatly helped to spread the information on Eye Donation and Corneal Transplantation to the people all over the world JMCH REFLECTIONS being an international platform.


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The National Eye Donation Fortnight, August 25 to September 8, 2021, was observed in the Department of Ophthalmology along with the rest of the country. Banners were displayed in the OPD and the Department office premises and public awareness on Eye Donation was tried to be created by distributing leaflets with necessary information on the subject. Special caps with mention of Eye Donation were presented to the patients and attendants in the OPD. A meeting was held on August 26, 2021 in the OPD complex on  Eye Donation which was attended by doctors, students, nurses, patients and attendants and the message on Eye Donation was shared with all.

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Visual Disability Certificates were issued on 3rd July, 2021, Saturday, to patients/candidates with visual disabilities on percentage basis depending on the amount of Blindness.
(This is done on the first and third Saturdays of every month)
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