The foundation of Jorhat Medical College and Hospital was formally laid on the historic day of 25th August 2008 and the hospital side of the college was inaugurated on 12th October 2009. From that day onwards The Dept. of Medicine Jorhat Medical College came into existence. Initially it was managed by four (4) doctors only with very limited supporting staff. Subsequently additional posts for doctors were created and also for the supporting staff. Now the department is managed by experienced faculties consisting of Professor, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Registrars and Senior Residents. They are helped by the capable hands of Post Graduate Trainees, Interns and also the very important supporting staff consisting of the Nurses (Seniors and Juniors), ward boys/girls and cleaners.

            The Department runs OPDs (Out Patient Department) on all working days and also has a parallel running Medicine Emergency Department running (24 x 7) throughout the year without any break, both of which are runed by experienced doctors and supporting staff. The department also has MICU (Medicine Intensive Care Unit) consisting of state-of-the-art equipments for the critically ill patients.

            There are special OPDs e.g., Cardiology, Endocrinology and Rheumatology that runs on designated days of the week in addition to the normal Medicine OPDs. Now in the pandemic of COVID – 19 the Medicine Department is in charge of the COVID ward.