
Details of awards

 Name of the faculty

Award of 33rd Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Memorial National Teacher Award 2017 by the All India Freelance Journalist & Writers Association, Delhi, for his commendable contribution in the field of Medical Teaching and Health Services

 Prof (Dr.) Bishnu Ram Das

Academic achievements

Name of faculty

Details of achievements

Prof (Dr.) Bishnu Ram Das

Successfully completed International Fellows Programme on “Bioethics and Ethics Committee Administration” training from 1st March to 30th April, 2019 at WIRB office, Puyallup, Washington and New York University School of Medicine, United State of America (USA).


Dr. Kaberi Mech

Successfully completed and received certification on “Basic Course in Biomedical Research” 2021 conducted by Swayam, ICMR and NIE

Dr. Netri Das

Successfully completed and received certification on “Basic Course in Biomedical Research” 2021 conducted by Swayam, ICMR and NIE

Dr. Anuja Baruah

Successfully completed and received certification on “Basic Course in Biomedical Research” 2021 conducted by Swayam, ICMR and NIE


Dr. Chandana Deka

Successfully completed the online course of study for “Competency Based Medical Education (Community Medicine)” organized by MEU India between August 2020 to December 2020.

Dr. Annamika Hakmaosa

Successfully completed the online course of study for “Competency Based Medical Education (Community Medicine)” organized by MEU India between August 2020 to December 2020.

Successfully completed and received certification on “Basic Course in Biomedical Research” 2021 conducted by Swayam, ICMR and NIE

Dr. Madhur Borah

Successfully completed the online course of study for “Competency Based Medical Education (Community Medicine)” organized by MEU India between August 2020 to December 2020.

Dr. Basanta Biraj Das

Successfully completed and received certification on “Basic Course in Biomedical Research”  conducted by Swayam, ICMR and NIE

Dr. Rana Kakati           

Successfully completed and received certification on “the Basic Course in Bio-medical Research “(online) in 2021 conducted by  Swayam, ICMR and NIE

Dr. Dimpymoni Saikia Successfully completed and received certification on “the Basic Course in Bio-medical Research “(online)  conducted by  Swayam, ICMR and NIE
Dr. Suddipta Kumar Borah Successfully completed and received certification on “the Basic Course in Bio-medical Research “(online)  conducted by  Swayam, ICMR and NIE
Dr. Dhruba Jyoti Bora Successfully completed and received certification on “the Basic Course in Bio-medical Research “(online)  conducted by  Swayam, ICMR and NIE
Dr. Deepika Phukan Successfully completed and received certification on “the Basic Course in Bio-medical Research “(online)  conducted by  Swayam, ICMR and NIE


As per Govt instruction Community Medicine Department coordinated and organized training in collaboration with the resource persons from different departments of JMC to train all faculties, nurses, staff grade 3 & 4, laboratory technicians, cleaners of Jorhat Medical College, and also, Nodal Officers of Jorhat, Golaghat, Majuli, Sibsagar districts on COVID 19 Epidemiology and Overview of wave, Newer Covid Strains, Covid Vaccine, Infection Prevention and Control, Double Mask, Triaging and Management of Covid 19 patients, Revised Discharge Policy and Dead Body Management from 05.05.2021-15.05.2021

The Community Medicine Department also coordinated the ICU management Training of all Faculty (clinical), PGTs (clinical), Interns, Nurses, ICU technicians of Jorhat Medical College  and Doctors, nurses and ICU technicians of Jorhat, Golaghat, Majuli and Sibsagar district in the month of May

The Community Medicine Department also conducted the COVID 19 training of newly recruited Medical Officers (MBBS) – one year Compulsory Rural posting on contractual basis at JMCH on 3rd June, 2021

Report on training- Total Number of trainees : Doctors- 178; PGTs- 195, Interns/MBBS students/Homeopathy: 114;Nurses/Nursing Students: 113;Grade III/Technicians: 127; MAPUNA/Grade IV/others:102