Academic Facilities : Well-equipped Library, Seminar Hall, well-quipped Medicine Indoor Laboratory.

Academic /Training Activities – UG/PG/Faculty/others

PG Academic activities- Seminars /Journal club/Case presentation/Field visits/Projects






 PG Seminars



Pyramidal system and its lesions at different level

Dr Sumi Dutta

Dr A K Sen


Extra pyramidal system in health and diseases

Dr Riyazul Ahmed

Dr N Sonowal


Anatomy and functions of cerebellum

Dr Animesh Debnath

Dr U R Pegu


Blood supply of brain and spinal cord

Dr Upama Basumatary

Dr K Chetia


Cerebro spinal fluid analysis

Dr Pratyush Kaushik

Dr S Hazarika


Physiology & anatomy of ANS

Dr Kashyai Lahon

Dr A K Sen


Cranial nerves and its disorder

Dr Kulbinder Singh

Dr N Sonowal


Anatomy & physiology of CVS

Dr Slahuddin Ahmed

Dr K Chetia


Cardiac biomarkers and nerve injury techniques

Dr Sumi Dutta

Dr A K Sen


Conduction system of heat and its disorders

Dr Kakali Talukdar

Dr A K Sen


Anatomy & physiology of Thyroid gland

Dr Riyazul Ahmed

Dr N Sonowal


Thyroid function test and its clinical importance

Dr Animesh Debnath

Dr U R Pegu


Components of blood & its uses in clinical practice

Dr Upama Basumatary

Dr U R Pegu


Liver function test & its clinical importance in health and disease

Dr Kashyapi Lahon

Dr J Umbon


Anatomy & physiology of lungs

Dr Slahuddin Ahmed

Dr K Chetia


Anatomy & physiology of kidneys

Dr Kulbinder Singh

Dr R K Borah


Renal function test in health and disease

Dr Ramesh RS

Dr A K Sen


Non compressive spinal cord disorder

Dr Riyazul Ahmed

Dr U K Nath


AEFI surveillance for covid-19 vaccine implementation in Medicine Department

Dr Animesh Debnath

Dr N Sonowal


Lung function test & its clinical importance in health and disease

Dr Kakali Talukdar

Dr J Umbon

18/04/2023 Anatomy and physiology of Autonomic Nervous System with special reference to important autonomic disorders Dr. Harish  Dr. Kalpana Chetia

PG Case Presentation



CVA( Right Hemiplegia with Facial paralysis)

Dr Slahuddin Ahmed

Dr A K Sen


 Case of Thyrotoxicosis

Dr Ramesh RS

Dr R K Borah


CVS ( Multi valvular heart disease)

Dr Kakali Talukdar

Dr N Sonowal


Case of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Dr Kakali Talukdar

Dr A K Sen


A patient of Chronic liver disease

Dr Slahuddin Ahmed

Dr A K Sen


A patient of Peripheral Neuropathy

Dr Ramesh RS

Dr S Hazarika


A patient of Motor Neuron Disease

Dr Upama Basumatary

Dr A K Sen


A patient of Severe Anaemia



A patient of Multivalvular Heart Disease

Dr Kulbinder Singh

Dr K Chetia


A patient of Systemic lupus erythematosus

Dr Animesh Debnath

Dr A K Sen


A patient of Seizure disorder

Dr Kashyapi Lahan

Dr A K Sen


A patient of paraplegia  

Dr Riazul H Ahmed

Dr N Sonowal


A patient of Nephrotic Syndrome

 Dr Sumi Dutta

Dr U R Pegu


A patient of Para paresis

Dr Kakali Talukdar

Dr  U R Pegu


A patient of pleural effusion

Dr Animesh Debnath

Dr G Saikia


A patient of Rheumatoid arthritis

Dr Slahuddin Ahmed

Dr K Chtia


 Case of Peripheral neuropathy

Dr Ramesh RS

Dr R K Borah

17/04/2023 A case on Nervous system examination Dr. Archi Sharma Dr. K Chetia
05/04/2023 A case on Diabetes Mellitus Dr. Dharitree Bora Dr. J Umbon
28/03/2023 A case on valvular heart disease Dr. Siddhartha Baruah Dr. N Sonowal
24/03/2023 A case on valvular heart disease Dr. Tajruba Ahmeda Dr. N Sonowal

PG Journal Club



Angoitensin, Neprilysin, Inhibition in heart failure with pressured ejection fraction by New England Journal of Medicine

Dr Animesh Debnath

Dr N Sonowal


Clinical predictors of treatment outcome in North Indian patients on antiepileptic drug therapy, A prospective observational study

Dr Slahauddin Ahmed

Dr U R Pegu


Long term PPI & risk of gastric cancer development of treatment for H Pylori, A population-based study

Dr Riyazul Ahmed

Dr N Sonowal


Efficacy & safety of low dose of colchicine after myocardial infarction

Dr Sumi Dutta

Dr A K Sen


Costarting Sitagliptin with Metformin is associated with a lower likelihood of hypoglycaemia. A disease progression in newly treated people with type II diabetes a case control study

Dr Upama Basumatary

Dr K Chetia


Phomacokinetic safety & efficacy of Glecapreins in adolescents with hepatic infection

Dr Kashyapi Lahon

Dr N Sonowal


Antithrombotic therapy for atrial fibrillation with stable coronary disease

Dr Kulbinder Singh

Dr N Sonowal

11/04/2023 FFP in cases of Acute Upper GI bleeding doesnot improve outcomes. Dr. Harshit Murarka Dr. U K Nath
21/03/2023 Chlorthalidone vs Hydrochlorothiazide for hyoertension Dr. Lalu Banothu Dr. N Sonowal




Session 2023-2024

1. CME on Rheumatology- A mid-term CME of Indian Rheumatology Association, Assam Chapter was conducted by Department of Medicine and Paediatrics on 11th March, 2023. The scientific programme with the theme "Rheumatology from bench to bedside" witnessed an amalgamation of eminent speakers from various parts of the country and the state, who enlightened the participants with their profound knowledge and experiences on the latest research and treatment advances in the field of rheumatology.


2. CME on Virology- A workshop and a one day CME on virology was successfully conducted by Department of Microbiology and Medicine in collaboration with Indian Medical Association, Jorhat Branch, on 30th and 31st March, 2023. The workshop on molecular diagnostic methods was primarily targeted to benefit the post graduate students who had the opportunity to participate in the hands on training on molecular methods.The scientific programme encompassed  series of enlightening speeches by distinguished speakers on diverse topics related to recent advances in research and treatment of viral diseases.


3. A CME cum Panel discussion was organized by Jorhat Branch of API, Assam  on 18th March, 2023.

     Two of our post graduate students, Dr. Tajruba Ahmeda and Dr. Rahul Kalita delivered outstanding speeches on "Recent ADA and RSSDI Guidelines for the management of Diabetes Mellitus- What's New?" and "Hypertension Management- What recent guidelines say?" respectively. The participants were highly benefited from their detailed informative presentation which was followed by an enlightening panel discussion where eminent physicians discussed various issues related to recent advances in treatment protocols in diabetes and hypertension.