Academic Activities:

UG Seminar:






Trauma and its Medicolegal aspects

MBBS Phase III Part I students

Dr D. Thakuria (Integrated with dept. of Surgery, Orthopaedics, Eye, ENT)


Handling of Medico-legal cases

MBBS Phase III Part I students

Dr N.M. Kakati

Dr. D. Thakuria

(Integrated with dept. of Surgery, Orthopaedics, Medicine, O&G, Eye, ENT)


Substance Abuse

MBBS Phase III Part I students

Dr D. Thakuria

(Integrated with dept. of Psychiatry, Medicine)



PG course seminars:






Introduction and History of Forensic Medicine

Dr Prajapati Dhruvin Rameshbhai

Dr Dipankar Thakuria


Age determination by physical and dental profile

Dr Prajapati Dhruvin Rameshbhai

Dr Dipankar Thakuria


Duties of a doctor in medico-legal cases

Dr Prajapati Dhruvin Rameshbhai

Dr Dipankar Thakuria


Forensic Medicine and Post Mortem Examination

Dr Probir Saikia

At SKK Civil Hospital, Golaghat (DRP)


Early post mortem changes to estimate time since death

Dr Prajapati Dhruvin Rameshbhai

Dr Dipankar Thakuria


Importance of Identification in Forensic Medicine

Dr Prajapati Dhruvin Rameshbhai

Dr Dipankar Thakuria


Sexual Offences and the Examination Procedure

Dr. Sukanya Roy

At LMC, Lakhimpur (DRP)


Approaching Autopsy in Alleged Cases of Rape and Homicide Involving Female Victims

Dr. Sukanya Roy, 3rd year PGT

Dr Dipankar Thakuria


Foetal Autopsy

Dr. Probir Saikia, 3rd year PGT

Dr NM Kakoty



UG Lecture classes:

Name of Faculty 

Nos of Lecture taken in  Academic Year 2022-23


Prof.(Dr) Dipak Kumar Das

Professor & HOD



Dr. Netra Moni Kakati ,

Associate Professor



Dr. Dipankar Thakuria,

Assistant Professor












PG course seminars conducted in 2020-21:




Injuries due to electricity, lightening & radiation.

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das

Cut-throat injuries & its ML aspects.

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das

Medico-legal aspect of injuries.

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das

Patho-physiology of asphyxia & ML importance of different types of asphyxial deaths.

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das

Consumer protection Act

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das

Medical Termination of Pregnancy

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das

Rape: The Criminal Amendment Law Act 2013

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


Pc PNDT Act 1994

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das

PoCSO Act 2012

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das

Sudden death. Causes of sudden death particularly in Cardiovascular disease with PM diagnosis of coronary infarction.

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das

Aims & Objectives of ML postmortem examination. Pre-requisites of ML autopsy. Procedure of opening of body cavities.

Dr Vijin SS

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das

What is Death/ Brain death.Signs of death. Discuss the problem arising with special reference to premature declaration of death.

Dr Vijin SS

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das



What are the aims & objectives of ML-PM examination? What are the pre requisties to be fulfilled for ML Autopsy? How thoraco abdominal and cranial cavities are opened during PM examination? How heart is dissected during PM examination?

Dr Vijin SS

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


What is death/ Brain death? What are the signs which help you to conclude that the person is dead? Discuss the ML problems arising with special reference to premature death

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


When viscera is required to be preserved during PM examination? Which viscera are required to be preserved in case of suspected common poisoning? What is the procedure of preservation of viscera & what precautionary measures should be taken? Describe the common preservatives used for preservation of viscera, blood & urine foe chemical analysis & their contra-indication

Dr Vijin SS

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


Discuss the role of coronary diseases & cardiomyopathies in case of sudden deaths on the contex of current studies in this respect.

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


What is obscure & negative autopsy? What is artefact & what is its role in Forensic Medicine?

Dr Vijin SS

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


Discuss the pathology of drowning? What changes you will expect in the lungs in a case of drowning (in sea/ fresh water) where the body has been recovered within 6 hours after death.

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


Mechanism of production of various Cranio-cerebral injuries & the patho-physiological changes in details.

Dr Vijin SS

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


The effects of various types of heat over a living body with special reference to their medico-legal implications in details.

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


Appearances of wound of entrance & exit caused by a bullet fired from a distance of 10 yards. What are the points to be considered while diagnosing a case of suicidal gunshot wound. Discuss in details.

Dr Vijin SS

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


Outline the pathophysiology of different types of shock with due emphasis on their medicolegal points.

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


Problems of road traffic accidents in medicolegal practice in recent times.

Dr Vijin SS

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


Medicolegal investigation of fatel “Air-craft” accident in details.

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


Role of Forensic Science Laboratory in Medicolegal investigations.

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


Dactylography, its history of evolution, types, techniques & medicolegal importance.

Dr Vijin SS

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


Duties of a doctor in alleged case of poisoning.

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


Medicolegal duties & implications of a Registered Medical Practitioner.

Dr Vijin SS

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


Trace elements & its use in forensic investigations.

Dr B Lama

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


Artificial insemination, uses, techniques with recent guidelines & amendments in India.

Dr Vijin SS

Dr (Prof.) K. C. Das


Identification of alleged weapon/object from injuries sustained over the body.

Dr B Lama



Restraint and release of an insane person

Dr Vijin SS


Group disscussions conducted: 10 nos.